
Dubstep song with dolphin sounds
Dubstep song with dolphin sounds

dubstep song with dolphin sounds

This album involved five years of two-to-three-times-per-week band practice, with at least one of us doing a lot of work in between each. # of hours spent writing and rehearsing / minutes of recorded music = ? We have become, if anything, less efficient if measured by the formula: The number of years between Cryptooology and Damning With Faint Praise was greater, but that was in part due to a band member departure and the ensuing ocean of time trying to find / train a replacement, and one of us moving out of state for a good chunk of the writing. What was it about the writing and recording of Synchromysticism that took "only" five years to crank out? Have you finally found yourselves embracing a faster way of doing things?ĬT: Ha! It's pretty sad when one song per year can be said to be "faster."ĭ: Sadly, no. It would be highly inaccurate to say that the amount of hours put into either of the previous albums even began to approach the amount for this one. Considering your debut, Cryptooology, came out eight years before that, this new album is actually somewhat of a quick turnaround. There’s a five-year gap between Synchromysticism and 2012's Damning With Faint Praise. I hope the music effectively conveys that. It's a very dicey process can be simultaneously ecstatic and terrifying. So, this track is about an individual's indescribable experience of mystical union with nature - in this instance, personified by the dolphin - and the accompanying sense of blissful union, coupled with the horror of being absorbed into something enormous and ancient, into ceasing to be as an autonomous, individuated self. Very often, people who seek out these kind of experiences feel a connection to certain totemic organisms frequently, dolphins, wolves or trees. It is, in a way, like dying, or being devoured. So, it can feel like liberation. But the prospect of being absorbed into something larger is a form of annihilation, and this can also be horrifying. The mystical aspect usually elicits comfort, and involves themes of unity and inseparability, the sense that your previously observed boundaries were an illusion, one that unnecessarily limited you. This feeling can be blissful in some ways, and terrifying in others. This track is a depiction of what is often called "religious experience" or "mystical union," and what Freud called "the oceanic experience." This is the sense that one has lost some aspect of ego boundary, and is therefore connected to something larger, usually some aspect of nature. How do actual dolphins figure into this track?ĭ: This whole album is about the experience of a sudden realization that elicits very strong emotions.

dubstep song with dolphin sounds

Twerking to this track is like blue jeans. Twerking to this piece will always be legit. In 100 years, on Mars, humanoid creatures will be twerking to this track. And I want to go on record saying that I don't care if twerking in and of itself is seen as passé. This one really forces movement out of the crowd, despite it being comprised of some really esoteric ingredients.ĭefenestrator, you’ve said that "Ineffable Dolphin Communion" may be your favorite track on the new record. What makes this one special?ĭ: Well, it's the danciest discordant palindromic jam you will ever hear.

dubstep song with dolphin sounds

The overarching compositional theme arose out of a palindromic riff that Chris had written as part of a larger movement. We tortured the hell out of some of the rhythmic interactions to capitalize on different ways of emphasizing the palindrome. Also, the first minute and a half or so is the hardest portion of any of the songs on the album for me to play.ĭefenestrator: You'll hear a fair amount of tricky dynamics on this one all of them played live-in-studio, no effects (like all of our albums and live performances) or overdubs. What can you tell us about this particular track ?Ĭhristopher Trull: It was the last song we completed for this album, so it's possibly the most representative of where we are as a band at this moment. First off, we're premiering the leadoff track, "Ineffable Dolphin Communion," from your forthcoming record, Synchromysticism.

Dubstep song with dolphin sounds